Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

Candlestick Christmas in Blekinge 1976 City Hall Karlskrona

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Before: USD 27.68 Now USD 10.99
  • Year: 1976
  • Color: White/off white,Blue,Gold
  • Type: Porcelain (Overglaze/with gold)
  • Measurement: H: 13 cm x W: 7 cm x D: 7 cm
About the product
Ravn Christmas candlesticks with the theme Swedish Christmas.
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Before: USD 27.68
Item no: RAXL02 Year: 1978 Measurement: H: 13 cm x W: 7 cm x D: 7 cm
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Item no: RAXL09 Year: 1977 Measurement: H: 13 cm x W: 7 cm x D: 7 cm
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Item no: RAXL06 Year: 1976 Measurement: H: 13 cm x W: 7 cm x D: 7 cm
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