Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

Hummel Goebel Christmas Plates

5 products
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Hummel Goebel Christmas Plates

See our selection of Hummel Goebel Christmas plates.

Hummel Goebel Christmas Plates - Save up to 50 %

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5 products
1975 Hummel Goebel Charlot Byj Christmas plate -69%
1975 Hummel Goebel Charlot Byj...
USD 11.00
Before: USD 35.66
Item no: GCBX1975 Year: 1975 Measurement: Ø: 22 cm
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1973 Hummel Goebel Charlot Byj Christmas plate -69%
1973 Hummel Goebel Charlot Byj...
USD 11.00
Before: USD 35.66
Item no: GCBX1973 Year: 1973 Measurement: Ø: 22 cm
In stock
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1974 Hummel Goebel Charlot Byj Christmas plate -69%
1974 Hummel Goebel Charlot Byj...
USD 11.98
Before: USD 38.73
Item no: GCBX1974 Year: 1974 Measurement: Ø: 22 cm
In stock
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1976 Hummel Goebel Charlot Byj Christmas plate -69%
1976 Hummel Goebel Charlot Byj...
USD 11.00
Before: USD 35.66
Item no: GCBX1976 Year: 1976 Measurement: Ø: 22 cm
In stock
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1977 Hummel Goebel Charlot Byj Christmas plate
1977 Hummel Goebel Charlot Byj...
USD 35.66
Item no: GCBX1977 Year: 1977 Measurement: Ø: 22 cm
In stock
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