Especially porcelain figurines of polar bears are popular collectibles around the world. Many are fascinated by the polar bears, who exudes grace, but possesses a dangerous hunting instinct. In addition, the polar bear is a vulnerable animal threatened by hunting and global warming, which makes the animal habitats smaller.
A porcelain figurine of a polar bear can portray many different situations - an insidious polar bear hunting, a sitting polar bear enjoying the sun, a polar bear with cubs, or a polar bear cub. Both B&G and Royal Copenhagen figurines of polar bears also depicts a pair of polar bears playing with each other.

Besides polar bears there are also porcelain figurines and stoneware figurines of brown bears.
The symbolic meaning og a bear
The bear is strong and have very protective moter instincts. Often the bear is seen as the feminine earth element, because the bear often is earthy colors as brown and because the bear is carrying around her children. It is said that the bear brings good health and inner wisdom. The bear can help you find balance and harmony in your life and the strength to do the necessities.

Polar bear figurines produced by Royal Copenhagen, Bing & Grondahl and Dahl Jensen
The Polar bear figurine is and has been an essential type of figurines for Royal Copenhagen since 1989, when the first Polar Bear figurine was introduced at the world fair. It has become a classic and new versions of polar bear figurines have been introduced over the years. The latest series of Royal Copenhagen polar bear figurines came in 2005 when Allan Therkelsen designed the range of polar bear figurines with shaggy furs, manufactured in the same way as all other earlier editions of polar bears, using underglaze technique and all of them hand painted to give the lifelike expression of the figurines.
Not only Royal Copenhagen has taken up this type of figurines, also Bing & Grondahl polar bear figurines have become the object of large interest and so have the Dahl Jensen polar bears, too. All of these figurines are very popular. The reason for the polar bear figurine being as popular as it is, may be the fact that the polar bear is the world's largest beast of prey living on land, a stately animal, depicted in stately figurines that bring something special to every shelf. Not only polar bears have been manufactured. The brown bear is also a favored figurine. Especially the wonderful stoneware bear cubs have brought wonder to many a home, where starry eyed children have looked in wonder at the bears playing around on the shelf.
A wonderful gift for a parent both father and mother could be a figurine of a grown bear with a cub to show the connection between parent and child. And an old friendship could be marked by a gift of two playing bear cubs that can be put together. Also a gift for a relative or friend leaving to start anew could be gifted on of the bears walking towards and unknown goal. There is no end to the possibilities of these wonderful bear figurines that can bring and extra dimension to every home.

The polar bear has been portrayed by several different artists from all three manufacturers of porcelain. Each artist has given a different expression to the polar bear figurine. Below please find a list of the Royal Copenhagen polar bear figurines and Bing & Grondahl polar bear figurines produced throughout the years. We have tried to include item number and designer to each figurine, whenever it has been possible. We have added links to the product page of each figurine, so it will be possible to see a photo and a description of each figurine.
Manufacturer Base no. Item no. Old item no. Design
- Royal Copenhagen 21432 or 232 1003232 R21432 Knud Kyhn
- Royal Copenhagen 21433 or 233 1003233 R21433 Knud Kyhn
- Royal Copenhagen 21434 or 234 1003234 R21434 Knud Kyhn
- Royal Copenhagen 21435 or 235 1003235 R21435 Knud Kyhn
- Royal Copenhagen 21519 or 237 1003237 R21519 Knud Kyhn
- Royal Copenhagen 21420 or 238 1003238 R21520 Knud Kyhn
- Royal Copenhagen 22747 or 247 1003247 R22747 Knud Kyhn
- Royal Copenhagen 757 Knud Kyhn
- Royal Copenhagen 320 or 053 1020053 R320 Carl J. Bonnesen
- Royal Copenhagen 321 or 054 1020054 R321 Carl J. Bonnesen
- Royal Copenhagen 345
- Royal Copenhagen 351 Erik Nielsen
- Royal Copenhagen 366 Erik Nielsen
- Royal Copenhagen 502 or 060 1020060 R502 C.F. Liisberg
- Royal Copenhagen 729 or 072 1020072 R729 Knud Kyhn
- Royal Copenhagen 1108 or 086 1020086 R1108 Knud Kyhn
- Royal Copenhagen 1137 or 089 1020089 R1137 Knud Kyhn
- Royal Copenhagen 087 1249087 R087 Allan Therkelsen
- Royal Copenhagen 323 1249323 R323 Allan Therkelsen
- Royal Copenhagen 324 1249324 R324 Allan Therkelsen
- Royal Copenhagen 351 1249351 R351 Allan Therkelsen
- Royal Copenhagen 352 1249352 R352 Allan Therkelsen
- Royal Copenhagen 353 1249353 R353 Allan Therkelsen
- Royal Copenhagen 354 1249354 R354 Allan Therkelsen
- Royal Copenhagen 355 1249355 R355 Allan Therkelsen
- Royal Copenhagen 256 1249356 R356 Allan Therkelsen
- Royal Copenhagen 1107 or 085 1020085 R1107 Knud Kyhn
- Royal Copenhagen 2317 R2317 Knud Kyhn
- Royal Copenhagen 825 R825 Knud Kyhn
- Royal Copenhagen 4753 R4753 Jeanne Grut
- Royal Copenhagen 4780 R4780 Jeanne Grut
- Bing & Grondahl 1629 or 409 1020409 B1629 Dahl Jensen
- Bing & Grondahl 1692 or 417 1020417 B1692 Niels Nielsen
- Bing & Grondahl 1785 or 425 1020425 B1785 Niels Nielsen
- Bing & Grondahl 1857 or 433 1020433 B1857 Knud Kyhn
- Bing & Grondahl 1954 or 442 1020442 B1954 Niels Nielsen
- Bing & Grondahl 2217 or 458 1020458 B2217 Svend Jespersen
- Bing & Grondahl 2218 or 459 1020459 B2218 Svend Jespersen
- Bing & Grondahl 2239 B2239
- Bing & Grondahl 2535 or 535 1020535 B2535 Merethe Agergaard
- Bing & Grondahl 2536 or 536 1020536 B2536 Merethe Agergaard
- Bing & Grondahl 2537 or 537 1020537 B2537 Merethe Agergaard
- Bing & Grondahl 2538 or 538 1020538 B2538 Merethe Agergaard
- Bing & Grondahl 1872 B1872
- Bing & Grondahl 1873 B1873
As you can see above, Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl have produced numerous different polar bear figurines.