Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl figurines of lions, tigers and pumas
Royal Copenhagen as well as and Bing & Grondahl have manufactured figurines of lions and tigers, and a few figurines of pumas. The human fascination of these strong and wild animals has always been great and these porcelain figurines of wild animals has always been favorite collectibles. At the same time, most of these figurines have only been manufactured in small numbers and therefore some of them are difficult to find.
Several of the figurines can be grouped together as a family. Bing & Grondahl figurine of lying lion and lioness is a beautiful couple. The great Bing & Grondahl porcelain figurine of the lion couple is the only figurine showing both a male lion and a lioness in one figurine. Bing and Grondahl has also made a cute lion cub to the family. B&G has made several figurines of male lions with their great manes. The factory has also manufactured a beautiful porcelain lioness with young cups.
A Royal Copenhagen porcelain lion is a rare but beautiful figurine. Also the charming young lion is beautifully made of porcelain.
One of the most beautiful and rare figurines from Royal Copenhagen is the standing tiger with cubs. The cubs are playing between the legs of their mother and she has enough to do looking after them. The figurine was designed by Jeanne Grut, who designed many of the old animal figurines. There is also a Royal Copenhagen figurine of lying tiger and a relatively new Royal Copenhagen figurine of walking tiger.
Of course we must also remember to mention the beautiful white and black sculptures of lions in biscuit porelain. The sculpturs were designed by Pia Langelund and was in production from 2005 to 2009. Today, the demand for these figurines is very high.
The selection of Bing & Grondahl figurines of tigers goes from a tiger with young cups, to a seated tiger, a walking tiger, and a cute tiger cub. B&G has also made a few figurines of creeping puma, designed by Dahl Jensen.
Most of the porcelain figurines of lions and tigers were designed by two of the most popular animal artists - Knud Kyhn (KK) and Laurits Jensen.
The symbolic meaning of the lion, tiger and puma
Us humans have always had a great respect and awe towards these powerful animals. The big and aggressive hunting technique of these big cats is very fearfull and scary to humans. All this is probably why the big cats historically have been described with words as power, success, royalness, individualism, bravery and courage. Specially the lion has been seen as the big mother figur, the protector and the bravest of all. These qualities are also to be found in us humans to different extents. Do you know the born leader or a person whom you look at with great respect? Regonoice these people by giving them the gift of a beautiful and powerful lion figurine, tiger figurine or puma figurine from brands as Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl.