Elegant and expressive zodiac signs from Royal Copenhagen
Many, especially women, are very interested in their zodiac sign. Royal Copenhagen's zodiac figures, created by Christel Marott, are a popular series. The figures were initially released in white bisque, but later the black color was also introduced.
The twelve different zodiac signs exude strength, pride, grace, but also mystique. Their refined body language and facial expressions reflect the characteristics that each individual zodiac sign represents.
Unfortunately, the fine zodiac signs from Royal Copenhagen were discontinued in 2019, so it is rare for us to have them in stock. However, if you are looking for zodiac-inspired decorations for your home, there are many other good options.
Personal gifts or interior decor
Decorating with zodiac signs can now be found in a wide range of Danish homes. - And there are plenty of options for incorporating these beautiful designs into your home!
In addition to Royal Copenhagen's zodiac figurines, Christel Marott has also contributed to the release of a series of mini platters featuring children as zodiac signs. The 12 plaques are perfect as baptism gifts, as they can accompany the child for the rest of their life.
Royal Copenhagen has also launched a series of beautiful, classic table lamps with blue motifs of the zodiac signs. These lamps are also no longer produced and can only be obtained second-hand. But with a new, beautiful lampshade, they can quickly get a refreshed look.
It's not only Royal Copenhagen that has created beautiful home decor with zodiac signs. The Swedish manufacturer Elgporslin has also made some lovely vases with printed motifs of the zodiac signs. These beautiful zodiac vases, or zodiac cups, are very minimalist in their design and can therefore fit into most homes. - A perfect gift idea!

A Danish artist with easily recognizable strokes
Royal Copenhagen zodiac signs are designed by Christel Marott, known for her provocative long-legged girls with a special sensuality. Her drawings were featured in magazines and fashion magazines around the world. She even managed to have the girl drawings featured in Vogue fashion magazine.
In 1973, Christel moved to Rome, where she studied sculptural art at the art academy. This was probably the starting point for the beautiful zodiac sculptures in white and black bisque from Royal Copenhagen, which Christel drew in Rome in the mid-1980s.
At first, the zodiac signs were only produced in white, unglazed porcelain called bisque. After great success, the zodiac figures were also launched in black bisque and most recently, the zodiac signs have been released in a white male version.
Royal Copenhagen white and black zodiac signs of women
Each zodiac figurine symbolizes the individual zodiac.
Aquarius is such a creative and artistic nature, who loves to create and therefore the Royal Copenhagen zodiac Aquarius is depicted with a shaped jar in her hands.
The fish is a very sensitive nature, which Royal Copenhagen zodiac fish show in the best way. We get the feeling that the fish want to be somewhere else.
Aries, on the other hand, is extremely active and ready to conquer the world. This the Royal Copenhagen zodiac aries shows in a great way, because the aries is almost about to jump towards us. There is a lot of energy and drive behind this character and it is beautifully depicted in the Christel zodiac figure.
Taurus has a quiet nature, but can also stand by her opinions. The Royal Copenhagen zodiac taurus shows the taurus with an aura of peace around her and we relax, when we see her.
Gemini is always on the go - something new and exciting has to happen and a Gemini is well informed about the situation around her. The energy is perfectly depicted in Royal Copenhagen zodiac Gemini with fingers pointing in opposite directions, and we can sense the dilemma of which way or which idea, she should follow.
Cancer has a sensitive nature and is loved by other people. The Royal Copenhagen zodiac cancer is showing the protective shell as Cancer likes hiding behind because the security means a lot. Cancer also holds strength and can easily take the lead when it really counts.
Leo loves to be in the center and is a confident personality. Therefore, the Royal Copenhagen zodiac lion is a proud personality with a royal crown on her head. Leo is indeed a worthy personality, who also knows how to protect and help others.
Virgo is conscientious and feels most comfortable with peace and order in her things. Peace and cleanliness are some of the first thoughts that pops up in our mind when we see the Royal Copenhagen zodiac virgo.
Libra appreciates harmony and community. She is a person who keeps balance in things using her well-developed diplomatic sense. Christel has understood this well and depicted it beautifully in Royal Copenhagen zodiac Libra, where we see the two scales in perfect balance in her hands.
Scorpio is mysterious and can be difficult to understand both by themselves and other people. A scorpio has a lot of power and strength. The Royal Copenhagen zodiac scorpio shows the beautiful woman looking puzzled at her large tail.
Sagittarius is an active nature who loves the feeling of freedom, but at the same time has great respect and desire for justice. The Royal Copenhagen zodiac sagittarius is the only character in the series, who makes use of other materials than porcelain. Sagittarius is sitting with a drawn bow and we sense the energy and drive.
Capricorn is hard-working and stable and has high ambitions. Royal Copenhagen zodiac Capricorn symbolizes the ambitions and ability to lead, because she looks through the sky and her ambitions.

Royal Copenhagen male zodiac
The male zodiac from Royal Copenhagen was designed by ceramic artist Pia Langelund and was released in 2010. Royal Copenhagen zodiac man symbolize a rough and masculine power that harmonizes with the female zodiac in the best way. Like the female zodiac, the male zodiac from Royal Copenhagen represent the 12 astrological signs individual strengths.
The male Capriocorn are looking for new adventures and the creative Aquarius is working on a new artistic design. The curious Gemini, who want to be everywhere at once and the strong Cancer. We also meet the delicate and sensitive Pisces, the strong-willed and active Aries towards new adventures and the quiet Taurus. Leo, who loves to be in the center and Virgo, who prefers peace are also portrayed with great artistic skill.

Maintenance and cleaning of Royal Copenhagen zodiac
Due to the unglazed porcelain, the Royal Copenhagen zodiacs are not so good a resisting dirt, since the surface is slightly rough compared to glazed porcelain. The black figurines can be smudged by other materials - including paper, cardboard and dry cloths. This can result in dry, white areas. The white figurines takes on dark smudges.
Cleaning the zodiac figures
Both the white and black figurines can withstand washing with various detergents that can remove dirt and smudging. Just remember to be careful, when you wash the figurines, because they have many thin and delicate areas.
Maintenance of zodiac figures
When you have cleaned the figurines, a small amount of fatty substance should be applied to preserve a uniform surface. It should not be so much that it becomes shiny, but only so that the surface becomes uniform again. You can use different types of fatty substance, for example regular hand cream. Moisten a little cloth with the cream and lightly spread it over the figurine. Immediately you will see the result. The treatment will last until the next washing.

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