Bing & Grondahl Plates
As one of Denmark's two large porcelain producers Bing & Grondahl has issued many different plates through its many years of production. What makes B&G very special is that it was Bing & Grondahl, who first issued a Christmas plate all the way back in 1895 known as Behind the Frozen Window. This marked the beginning of a huge collection success, which continues to this day as a new Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate is still issued every year. The success with the Christmas plate has been copied by many porcelain producers all over the world. Royal Copenhagen also chose to start its own series of Christmas plates in 1908 with a motif of the the holy Virgin Mary with Baby Jesus.

Many other producers have come and gone with their own production of Christmas plates, but Bing & Grondahl and Royal Copenhagen have consistently issued a new plate every year through good or bad without misses from the first issue up until today. This makes these two series of Christmas plates something special and some of the plates, especially the first of course, very valuable, while other years, when production was high, can be bought at a very reasonable price.

Bing & Grondahl has all in all been ahead in the field of plates as they also issued the first mother's day plate in 1969 and thus created a whole new present for mother's day and collector's items for passionated collectors. Royal Copenhagen also issued overlapping series of mother's day plates, but never achieved the same continuity as Bing & Grondahl did with their mother's day plates, whose animal motifs with animal mothers with young ones has been copied on the mother's day plates of many producers. The Bing & Grondahl mother's day plates are still issued every year.

Bing & Grondahl again issued a new series of children's day plates in 1985. Elg Porslin had however also issued a small series of children's day plates before. This series came at a time, when interest in plates was falling, but none the less the children's day plates have continued as a part of Bing & Grondahl's yearly issue until this day.
Aside from these three series Bing & Grondahl has also issued many different commemorative plates for many different occasions. Among others a series of plates with motifs from the paintings of Carl Larsson, plates with Danish kings and a many other plates.