From Bing & Grondahl and Royal Copenhagen there are countless porcelain figurines depicting agriculture and other traditional crafts. One of the newer series from Royal Copenhagen shows children, girls and boys, with small farm animals such as young goats, lambs, chickens and foals etc., while the majority of the old porcelain figurines show the farmhands and young girls with sheep, cows and geese. This is a good example of how agriculture has developed from past to present. Many of past small farms, which focused on the production of animals - cows, pigs, sheep - have today become a hobby, where the emphasis is more on pleasure rather than need.
Both B&G and Royal Copenhagen have produced some porcelain figurines depicting various businesses - postman, soldier, blacksmith, porcelain painter, electrician and so on.
Kay Bojesen has with his fine guardsmen in beautiful uniforms illustrated one of the most famous jobs in the military, the Royal Guard - the guardsmen we admire every time we meet them at Amalienborg Palace or one of the Queen's other residences.
The figurines show working people in different work situations and it is possible to find a figurine that fit most occasions. There are musician figurines that can be given to the aspirering musician. The Mason is for the handyman and for the fisherman there is the entire Fisherman's Family available to spice up the living room. There are a figurine for all crafts like smith or blacksmith, pipe fitter, butcher, carpenter, baker or even porcelain painter. For the avid hunter there is a huntsman figurine and there are policemen, soldiers, sailors and pilots. You can buy the gift for your friend or family member, who wishes to become a pilot. And of course for those who live the farmer's life or dream of the small farmer there are the entire range of farmer figurines.

Agricultural Figurines and Craftsman Figurines from Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl
For many it can be hard to tell the difference between Bing & Grondahl figurines and Royal Copenhagen figurines, and the high quality of the figurines are the same regardless of whether the figurines are produced by The Royal Porcelain Manufacturer (Royal Copenhagen) or B&G. Therefore many are looking for Royal figurines, although they are actually wanting a Bing & Grondahl piece, as it is them, who have produced most of the craftsman figurines.
The Royal Copenhagen Porcelain Manufacturer (Copenhagen porcelain) and Bing & Grondahl craftsman Figurines
The series of Royal Copenhagen craftsmen include figurines of a nurse, blacksmith, bricklayer, carpenter, butcher and plumber.
Bing & Grondahl has made even more craftsman figurines.
B&G has produced a full orchestra consisting of Bing & Grondahl flute player, cellist, woman with guitar, man with accordion and mandolin playing man. Together the figurines make a nice ensemble and are the perfect exam gifts at the music conservatory or other gift for musicians and music lovers. So this is the gift for the gifted musical friend, who is trying to make it as a musician.
Within the food industry Bing & Grondahl has made a porcelain figurine cook, butcher and baker, they have also been producing porcelain figurines for the construction industry, where we find Bing and Grondahl figurines of electrician, carpenter, iron caster, smith, bricklayer, plumber, carpenter and painter.
Futhermore we can mention Bing & Grondahl porcelain figurines of policeman, soldier, guardsman, pilot, enlisted, postman, nurse, shoemaker, tailor and porcelain painter.
For both Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl craftsman figurines applies that they are popular as companion gift after graduation.
Royal Copenhagen (Copenhagen porcelain) and Bing & Grondahl Agriculture figures
The Agriculture Industry is very important for Denmark and the danish people, and over time there have been produced a lot of figurines related to the agriculture and fishing industry. Like figurines of fishermen, farmers, lads and lasses with animals or doing chores. Today, the figures are not quite as important in Denmark as before, but many collectors abroad have become aware of Danish porcelain and there are especially many collectors for agricultural figures.
Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl has largely produced similar numbers of agricultural characters and they can be mixed and match. In combination with porcelain figures of cows, calves, sheep, pigs and horses you can quickly assembled an entire farm.
If we look at Royal Copenhagen agriculture figures, there are several porcelain figurines of girls and boys with animals. This is related to the fact that the care of the animals often was something that children were allowed to help with. Royal Copenhagen figurine of girl with goats, girl with calf, boy with calf, shepherd, swineherd, shepherd with dog and shepherd will lead ones mind back on long days with sheep, pigs and cows to be led back and forth between house and field or fed in their respective enclosures. The same applies to Bing & Grondahl porcelain figurines girl with sheep, milkmaid, girl with chicken, boy with foals and girl with cow.
These figurines are perfect gifts for the child that is interested in and actively engaged in rearing animals. The figurine can be a nice reminder of the beloved animal in later years as the child grows up the figurine can serve to remember all the good times that were had. So the figurines that combine people and animals can be a very beautiful part of any home decor with that small spark of nostalgia for bygone times.
The harvest has always been a busy but fun time in the country side. Today it is done quickly with large combine harvesters and bales, but in the old days most was done by hand and horse-drawn carriages. Therefore, we also find Bing & Grondahl and Royal Copenhagen figurines of people dressed in harvest clothes, man with a scythe, potatoe picking woman, farmer with horse and cart and girl with rake.
To a friend or family member that is very keen on gardening or has a small farm as a hobby one of the many figurines of agrarian agriculture could be a wonderful and quaint gift that relates to the persons interests and adds to it. With more of the figurines the shelf could turn into a small figurine farm giving a special atmosphere to any room.
Royal Copenhagen has only produced a single figurine of fishermen, while Bing & Grondahl has made quite a fishing family. The porcelain figurine of fisherman family shows father, mother and child and in addition there are also figurines of the fisherman's wife, seated fisherman, fishing boy and woman with fishing nets.
Any friend that is interested in fishing or a fisherman himself would love to have one of these strong fisherman figurines to adorn his shelves and show the love for the old trade. Two friends that have always gone fishing together could gift each other a fisherman figurine as a memento of all the good times together fishing in rivers, lakes and the ocean.