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Svend Lindhart

18 products
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Creations by Svend Lindhart

The sculptor Svend Lindhart (1898-1989) was for many years employed by Bing & Grondahl and has also executed a part of the familiar characters, including the small white child characters.

The sculptor and artist Svend Lindhart

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18 products
The Woman with the Eggs, Bing & Grondahl figurine Nr. 2126
The Woman with the Eggs, Bing & Grondahl figurine Nr. 2126
The Woman with the Eggs, Bing & Gron...
USD 125.73
Before: USD 170.96
Item no: B2126 Measurement: H: 23 cm
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Eve, white Bing & Grondahl child figurine no. 462 or 2230
Eve, white Bing & Grondahl child figurine no. 462 or 2230
Eve, white Bing & Grondahl child figu...
USD 54.86
Before: USD 72.63
Item no: B2230 Measurement: H: 17 cm
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This Big! white child figurine, Bing & Grondahl figurine no. 461 or 2229
This Big! white child figurine, Bing & Grondahl figurine no. 461 or 2229
This Big! white child figurine, Bing & Gr...
USD 47.76
Before: USD 53.52
Item no: B2229 Measurement: H: 17 cm
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Earache the four pains, white Bing & Grondahl figurine No. 2209 or 456 -43%
Earache the four pains, white Bing &...
USD 19.46
Before: USD 34.14
Item no: 1002456 Measurement: H: 12 cm
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Adam with teddy bear, white Bing & Grondahl child figurine no. 463 or 2231
Adam with teddy bear, white Bing & Grondahl child figurine no. 463 or 2231
Adam with teddy bear, white Bing & ...
USD 29.22
Before: USD 58.16
Item no: B2231 Measurement: H: 17 cm
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Cannot Hear, white Bing & Grondahl figurine no. 496 or 2496 -26%
Cannot Hear, white Bing & Grondahl fi...
USD 36.03
Before: USD 48.32
Item no: B2496 Measurement: H: 14 cm
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Headache the four pains, white Bing & Grondahl figurine no. 2206 or 453 -30%
Headache the four pains, white Bing &...
USD 23.81
Before: USD 34.14
Item no: 1002453 Measurement: H: 12 cm
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Toothache the four pains, white Bing & Grondahl figurine No. 2207 or 454
Toothache the four pains, white Bing & Grondahl figurine No. 2207 or 454
Toothache the four pains, white Bing &...
USD 29.22
Before: USD 34.14
Item no: 1002454 Measurement: H: 12 cm
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tummyache the four pains, white Bing & Gronbdahl figurine No. 2208 or 455
tummyache the four pains, white Bing & Gronbdahl figurine No. 2208 or 455
tummyache the four pains, white Bing &...
USD 19.46
Before: USD 34.14
Item no: 1002455 Measurement: H: 12 cm
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Fright, Child frightend by an insect, white Bing & Grondahl child figurine no. 464 or 2232
Fright, Child frightend by an insect, white Bing & Grondahl child figurine no. 464 or 2232
Fright, Child frightend by an ins...
USD 36.03
Before: USD 72.63
Item no: B2232 Measurement: H: 16 cm
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Cannot see, white Bing & Grondahl figurine no. 497 or 2497 -20%
Cannot see, white Bing & Grondahl fi...
USD 48.25
Before: USD 60.40
Item no: B2497 Measurement: H: 14 cm
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Svend Lindhardt bronze figurine of child on fish, Brdr. Grage Bronze Foundry
Svend Lindhardt bronze figurine of child on fish, Brdr. Grage Bronze Foundry
Svend Lindhardt bronze figurine of c...
USD 145.95
Item no: DV3182 Measurement: H: 13 cm x W: 4 cm
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Svend Lindhart white glazed ceramic figurine no. 40, Girl from Greenland, "TUT"
Svend Lindhart white glazed ceramic figurine no. 40, Girl from Greenland, "TUT"
Svend Lindhart white glazed ceramic fig...
USD 97.07
Item no: DV3183 Measurement: H: 24 cm
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Speak no evil, Bing & Grondahl stoneware figurine No. 2498
Speak no evil, Bing & Grondahl stonew...
Item no: B2498-S Measurement: H: 14 cm
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Boy with bucket building a castle, Bing & Grondahl figurine No. 2127
Boy with bucket building a castle, Bing & Grondahl figurine No. 2127
Boy with bucket building a castle, B...
Item no: B2127 Measurement: H: 14 cm
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Hear no evil, Bing & Grondahl stoneware child figurine no. 2496
Hear no evil, Bing & Grondahl stonewar...
Item no: B2496-S Measurement: H: 14 cm
Not in stock
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See no evil, Bing & Grondahl stoneware figurine no. 2497
See no evil, Bing & Grondahl stonewar...
Item no: B2497-S Measurement: H: 14 cm
Not in stock
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Cannot talk, white Bing & Grondahl child figurine no. 498 or 2498
Cannot talk, white Bing & Grondahl child figurine no. 498 or 2498
Cannot talk, white Bing & Grondahl c...
Item no: B2498 Measurement: H: 14 cm
Not in stock
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Here are some examples of the shapes Svend Linhardt has created for B & G:

He created the Bing & Grondahl figure "the woman with the eggs"
inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales.