Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

Richard Bøcher

42 products
50+ years of experience Fast and Safe Delivery

Creations by Richard Bøcher

Richard Bocher (1887-1953) worked throughout his life as both a landscape painter and graphical artist.

He collaborated with Arnold Krogh and Gotfred Rode to develop Royal Copenhagens popular underglaze porcelain, where he provided landscape motifs based on his paintings.

He became leader of the underglaze department in 1934.

The landscape painter and graphical artist Richard Bøcher

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42 products
1936 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate 1911-1936, DANSK ANDELS CEMENTFABRIK 1911 10 NOVBR 1936 -38%
1936 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 59.79
Before: USD 96.66
Item no: RNR278 Year: 1936 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1918 Christmas plate with German text -29%
1918 Christmas plate with German ...
USD 54.23
Before: USD 76.52
Item no: RX1918-W Year: 1918 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Christmas Angel 1951, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate -33%
Christmas Angel 1951, Royal Copen...
USD 168.46
Before: USD 252.76
Item no: RX1951 Year: 1951 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Plate with deer in winter landscape, Royal Copenhagen no. 2269-1128
Plate with deer in winter landscape, ...
USD 115.97
Item no: R2269-1128 Measurement: Ø: 28 cm
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1923 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, PRINSESSE HELENAS BØRNEHJEM DANMARK ( Princess Helenas orphanage in Denmark) -15%
1923 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 98.54
Before: USD 115.97
Item no: RNR215 Year: 1923 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1924 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, VED FÆLLES KRAFT TIL FÆLLES GAVN HER 
SKABES VÆRN MOD NØD OG SAVN D.A.L.,(By united strength and for the 
good community a fence is built against poverty and want) -10%
1924 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 109.51
Before: USD 121.80
Item no: RNR227 Year: 1924 Measurement: Ø: 21 cm
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1901-1926 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, KGL. DANSK AUTOMOBIL 
KLUB 1901-1926 -11%
1901-1926 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 108.12
Before: USD 121.80
Item no: RNR239 Year: 1926 Measurement: Ø: 23 cm
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1930 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate 1920 10 JULI 1930
1930 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate 1920 10 JULI 1930
1930 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 71.87
Before: USD 135.96
Item no: RNR263 Year: 1930 Measurement: Ø: 24 cm
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1900 Royal Copenhagen Memorial Plate, 6 October 1830-1900 monogram - Extremely rare !!!
1900 Royal Copenhagen Memorial Plate, 6 October 1830-1900 monogram - Extremely rare !!!
1900 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 1056.68
Before: USD 1509.64
Item no: RNR287 Year: 1939 Measurement: Ø: 22 cm
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Old warehouses on Canal in Copenhagen 1926, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate -25%
Old warehouses on Canal in Copenhag...
USD 43.89
Before: USD 58.19
Item no: RX1926 Year: 1926 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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The cathedral in Roskilde 1936, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate -41%
The cathedral in Roskilde 1936, Ro...
USD 180.55
Before: USD 306.09
Item no: RX1936 Year: 1936 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Plate with wood by the lake shore, Royal Copenhagen UNIKA Signed: 13/10 1922 R. Books
Plate with wood by the lake shore, Royal Copenhagen UNIKA Signed: 13/10 1922 R. Books
Plate with wood by the lake shore, Ro...
USD 217.35
Item no: DV3159 Year: 1922 Measurement: Ø: 30 cm
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Plate with lake and trees, Royal Copenhagen UNICA Signed: R. Böcher 28 / 2-1927 "Motif from Sxampen"
Plate with lake and trees, Royal Copenhagen UNICA Signed: R. Böcher 28 / 2-1927 "Motif from Sxampen"
Plate with lake and trees, Royal Copen...
USD 844.74
Before: USD 966.20
Item no: DV3170 Year: 1927 Measurement: Ø: 41 cm
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1884-1924 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate Odd Fellow plate, FRIENDSHIP 1884 19 NOVEMBER 
-1924 -10%
1884-1924 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 130.41
Before: USD 144.85
Item no: RNR229 Year: 1924 Measurement: Ø: 23 cm
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1876-1926 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate 26 -10%
1876-1926 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 130.41
Before: USD 144.85
Item no: RNR237 Year: 1926 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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826-1926 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, 826 - ANSGAR - 1926
826-1926 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, 826 - ANSGAR - 1926
826-1926 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 99.65
Before: USD 115.97
Item no: RNR243 Year: 1926 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1929 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, GRATA MEMORIA (pleasant memory) 1868 - 1927
1929 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, GRATA MEMORIA (pleasant memory) 1868 - 1927
1929 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 173.88
Before: USD 193.18
Item no: RNR260 Year: 1927 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1931 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, Greenland plate, HJÆLP GRØNLANDS BØRN TIL SUNDHED ( Help Greenland's children to a better health)
1931 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 603.16
Item no: RNR266 Year: 1931 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1938 Memorial plate , The liberty memorial, KONGEN BØD STAVNSBAANDET SKAL OPHØRE 1788 - 1938
1938 Memorial plate , The liberty ...
USD 96.59
Item no: RNR283 Year: 1938 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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1906 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate 1876-1901-1906 monogram with Rooster - Extremely rare !!!
1906 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate 1876-1901-1906 monogram with Rooster - Extremely rare !!!
1906 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 844.74
Before: USD 1086.33
Item no: RNR296 Year: 1939 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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Angel and shepherd 1916, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate -29%
Angel and shepherd 1916, Royal Copen...
USD 42.15
Before: USD 59.16
Item no: RX1916 Year: 1916 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Angel and Christmas Rose, 1945 Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Angel and Christmas Rose, 1945 Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Angel and Christmas Rose, 1945 Royal ...
USD 383.45
Before: USD 461.50
Item no: RX1945 Year: 1945 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1722-1922 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate , LUDVIG HOLBERG 1722 26 SEPTEMBER 1922
1722-1922 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate , LUDVIG HOLBERG 1722 26 SEPTEMBER 1922
1722-1922 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
Item no: RNR209 Year: 1922 Measurement: Ø: 23 cm
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1923 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, SANKT ANDREAS KIRKE ORDRUP 
1923 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
Item no: RNR212 Year: 1923 Measurement: Ø: 16 cm
Not in stock
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1923 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
Item no: RNR221 Year: 1923 Measurement: Ø: 16 cm
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1930 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate 1880-1930, I.O.G.T. (Independent Order of Good Templar 1880 13 MARTS 1930
1930 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
Item no: RNR264 Year: 1930 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
Not in stock
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1932 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, THE ANGLO DANISH SOCIETY 1932 THE BRITISH EXHIBITION
1932 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
Item no: RNR270 Year: 1932 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
Not in stock
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1933 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, Fanoe plate, FREDERIKSGAARD FANØ.
1933 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
Item no: RNR272 Year: 1932 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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1937 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate 1912-1937, MIN GUD MIT LAND MIN ÆRE ( My God My Country My pride) 1912 15 MAJ 1937
1937 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
Item no: RNR280 Year: 1937 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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1873-1923 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate 1873-1923
1873-1923 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
Item no: RNR211 Year: 1923 Measurement: Ø: 23 cm
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1883-1923 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate 1883 - BETHLEHEM - 1923.
1883-1923 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
Item no: RNR220 Year: 1923 Measurement: Ø: 16 cm
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1924 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, FANOE 1924
1924 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
Item no: RNR226 Year: 1924 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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1624-1924 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, TRO OG AGTSOM 1624- 1924 C4 og CX
1624-1924 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
Item no: RNR230 Year: 1924 Measurement: Ø: 16 cm
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1886-1926 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate HOLGER DANSKE 1886 15 JUNI 1926
1886-1926 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
Item no: RNR241 Year: 1926 Measurement: Ø: 23 cm
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1929 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate 1909-1929, KØBENHAVNS AMTS SKYTTEKORPS 1909 - 1929
1929 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate 1909-1929, KØBENHAVNS AMTS SKYTTEKORPS 1909 - 1929
1929 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
Item no: RNR258 Year: 1929 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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1929 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, FRED ENIGHED FREMGANG 1927. ( Peace, unity, prosperity)
1929 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
Item no: RNR261 Year: 1929 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1932 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, ST. CATHARINA RIPÆ 1932.
1932 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, ST. CATHARINA RIPÆ 1932.
1932 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
Item no: RNR271 Year: 1932 Measurement: Ø: 21 cm
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1933 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, CARITATE DEI (By the love of God) 1908-1933
1933 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
Item no: RNR274 Year: 1933 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1937 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, Dairy plate, Lurmærke ( lur brand) D.D. ( Danish Dairy)
1937 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, Dairy plate, Lurmærke ( lur brand) D.D. ( Danish Dairy)
1937 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
Item no: RNR281 Year: 1937 Measurement: Ø: 25 cm
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1938 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate , DANSK SMEDE- OG MASKIN-ARBEJDER-FORBUND 1888 - 1938
1938 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
Item no: RNR284 Year: 1938 Measurement: Ø: 36 cm
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1939 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, S. TERESIA A IESU INFANTE.
1939 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
Item no: RNR286 Year: 1939 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
Not in stock
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1918 Christmas plate with czech text
1918 Christmas plate with czech te...
Item no: RX1918-V Year: 1918 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
Not in stock
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