Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

Zodiac Figurines, Leo (23rd july to 22nd August), male, Royal Copenhagen figurine no. 1249617

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  • Type: Porcelain (White)
  • Measurement: H: 26 cm
About the product
This male Leo is one of the figurines in the series of male Zodiac Figurines from Royal Copenhagen. The figurines are designed by Pia Langelund and were launched in 2010.
The male figurines harmonize perfectly with the female Zodiacs and whatever the figurines are placed together or separately they will be a tasteful input in every modern home.
Each figurine is made of many individual pieces which are put together in the hand by the founder before the figurine are burned.
LEO The sign of Leo is governed by the Sun. So it is no wonder that Leos quite naturally find themselves at the centre of activity. A Leo has great inborn talents for attracting attention, leading and organising and inspiring others. They are passionate and optimistic, with big hearts on fire for those they love.
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