Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

Carl Larsson Plate, Special edition, United States, Serie no. 1-2 - Lunch under the big Birch

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Before: USD 62.22 Now USD 52.91
  • Color: Gold,Multicolored
  • Type: Porcelain (Overglaze/with gold)
  • Measurement: Ø: 22 cm
About the product
This special Bing & Grondahl Carl Larsson plate shows an extract of the painting named "Lunch under the big Birch" made by the well-known Swedish artist Carl Larsson. Bing & Grondahl issued four series with motifs made by Carl Larsson. In each series there are four plates. This Bing & Grondahl plate with Carl Larsson painting is the second plate in the first series, issued in 1977. Carl Larsson painted "Lunch under the big Birch" in 1900.
The photographed plate is identical with the the danish plate, except from the edging, which is different.
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USD 24.03
Before: USD 38.61
Item no: BCL1-2 Year: 1978 Measurement: Ø: 22 cm
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The Kitchen. Carl Larsson, Series no. 1, plate no. 4, Bing & Grondahl
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Before: USD 38.61
Item no: BCL1-4 Year: 1978 Measurement: Ø: 22 cm
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