Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

Royal Copenhagen Memorial Plates

491 products
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Royal Copenhagen Commemorative, Memorial and Jubilee Plates

Royal Copenhagen published its first porcelain plate in 1888 on the occasion of the Nordic Industrial Agricultural and Art Exhibition in Copenhagen. The organizer of the exhibition was Philip Schou, director of the Royal Copenhagen Porcelain Factory and Chairman of the Industry, so it was therefore only natural that the Royal Copenhagen factory showed their capabilities by exhibiting this first porcelain plate here. The motif of this first porcelain plate was the Royal Copenhagen Porcelain factory stamp with three wavy lines, symbolizing the three Danish belts: the Little Belt, the Great Belt and the Sound as well as the Royal Crown.


Royal Copenhagen Commemorative, Memorial and Jubilee Plates - Save up to 40 %

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491 products
Royal Copenhagen Valdemar plate, Dannebrog (The flag of Denmark) 750 years, 1219 - 15 JUNI - 1969. -49%
Royal Copenhagen Valdemar plate, Da...
USD 18.19
Before: USD 36.10
Item no: RNR323 Year: 1969 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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1658-1908 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate,
1658-1908 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate,
1658-1908 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 195.40
Item no: RNR080 Year: 1908 Measurement: Ø: 23 cm
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1909 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate -29%
1909 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 79.30
Before: USD 112.38
Item no: RNR097 Year: 1909 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1926, Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, FOLKETS GAMLE MINDER FOLKET SAMMEN 
BINDER ( A nation's history tie its people to each other)
1926, Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, FOLKETS GAMLE MINDER FOLKET SAMMEN 
BINDER ( A nation's history tie its people to each other)
1926, Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 42.63
Before: USD 114.63
Item no: RNR245 Year: 1926 Measurement: Ø: 21 cm
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1892 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate
1892 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate
1892 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 109.29
Item no: RNR002 Year: 1892 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1898-1923 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate
1898-1923 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate
1898-1923 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 79.37
Item no: RNR210 Year: 1923 Measurement: Ø: 22 cm
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1897 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, SCTO GEORGIO IUVANTE
1897 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, SCTO GEORGIO IUVANTE
1897 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 79.30
Before: USD 97.77
Item no: RNR014 Year: 1897 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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1866-1906 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate -10%
1866-1906 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 79.16
Before: USD 87.94
Item no: RNR059 Year: 1906 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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1849-1914 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate , Helgoland Plate
1849-1914 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate , Helgoland Plate
1849-1914 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 54.86
Before: USD 92.85
Item no: RNR150 Year: 1914 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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1907-1917 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate 1907-1917 -26%
1907-1917 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 182.62
Before: USD 246.25
Item no: RNR169 Year: 1917 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1819-1919 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, Odd Fellow plate, SEMPER ARDENS -15%
1819-1919 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 83.09
Before: USD 97.77
Item no: RNR189 Year: 1919 Measurement: Ø: 23 cm
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1936 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate 1911-1936, DANSK ANDELS CEMENTFABRIK 1911 10 NOVBR 1936 -38%
1936 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 60.47
Before: USD 97.77
Item no: RNR278 Year: 1936 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Plate with motif from "Frihedsstøtten" in Copenhagen, 1788-1988 Bond release, Royal Copenhagenl
Plate with motif from "Frihedsstøtten" in ...
USD 72.63
Item no: RNR805 Measurement: Ø: 15 cm
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2006 Royal Copenhagen Plate, Winter Series, The snowmen skiing on the lake by moonlight -21%
2006 Royal Copenhagen Plate...
USD 48.25
Before: USD 60.97
Item no: 1915106 Year: 2006 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Royal Copenhagen Tile with Silhouette of Erik Lindgren
Royal Copenhagen Tile with Silhouette...
USD 121.51
Item no: RD47 Year: 1953 Measurement: H: 10 cm x W: 9 cm
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1980 Jubilee plate, Royal Copenhagen, Amager Square, 200 anniversary of RC's first retail shop -17%
1980 Jubilee plate, Royal Copenhage...
USD 36.52
Before: USD 43.97
Item no: RJ1980 Year: 1980 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1898 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate
1898 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate
1898 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 121.51
Before: USD 148.48
Item no: RNR019 Year: 1898 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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1898 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate
1898 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate
1898 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 84.92
Before: USD 97.77
Item no: RNR022 Year: 1898 Measurement: Ø: 22 cm
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1877-1907 Royal Copenhagen Red Cross Memorial plate, INTER ARMA CARITA
1877-1907 Royal Copenhagen Red Cross Memorial plate, INTER ARMA CARITA
1877-1907 Royal Copenhagen Red ...
USD 66.87
Before: USD 116.88
Item no: RNR068 Year: 1907 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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1908 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate
1908 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate
1908 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 152.56
Before: USD 175.87
Item no: RNR083 Year: 1908 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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1911 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, British coronation plate, GM (Georg V and Mary) MCMXI.
1911 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, British coronation plate, GM (Georg V and Mary) MCMXI.
1911 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 115.89
Before: USD 121.51
Item no: RNR116 Year: 1911 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1811-1911 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate 1811-1911, the Palmhouse in Copenhagen Botanical Garden
1811-1911 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate 1811-1911, the Palmhouse in Copenhagen Botanical Garden
1811-1911 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 365.80
Item no: RNR122 Year: 1911 Measurement: Ø: 25 cm
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1912 Royal Copenahegn Memorial plate, Sct Knud's Church in Odense
1912 Royal Copenahegn Memorial plate, Sct Knud's Church in Odense
1912 Royal Copenahegn Mem...
USD 109.78
Before: USD 146.52
Item no: RNR131 Year: 1912 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Bowl with Hans Christian Andersen's House, Royal Copenhagen -38%
Bowl with Hans Christian Andersen...
USD 22.34
Before: USD 35.96
Item no: RNR16-4754 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1867-1917 Memorial plate, i. ARTBATL. KYSTARTRGMT
1867-1917 Memorial plate, i. ARTBATL. KYSTARTRGMT
1867-1917 Memorial plate, i. ARTBATL. ...
USD 121.51
Before: USD 171.94
Item no: RNR171 Year: 1917 Measurement: Ø: 21 cm
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1868-1918 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, ESBJERG 1868-1918.
1868-1918 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 110.76
Item no: RNR173 Year: 1918 Measurement: Ø: 21 cm
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1878-1918 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, Odd Fellow platte, DANMARK 1878 -30 JUNI - 1918. -38%
1878-1918 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 84.92
Before: USD 136.82
Item no: RNR175 Year: 1918 Measurement: Ø: 21 cm
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1918 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, Odd Fellow plate, DOMINO NON NOSTRIS 
1918 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, Odd Fellow plate, DOMINO NON NOSTRIS 
1918 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 60.47
Before: USD 76.28
Item no: RNR182 Year: 1918 Measurement: Ø: 23 cm
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119 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, LEDET ER I LAVE 1919. ( The fence is restored)
119 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, LEDET ER I LAVE 1919. ( The fence is restored)
119 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 42.63
Before: USD 87.94
Item no: RNR185 Year: 1919 Measurement: Ø: 25 cm
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1921 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, MR MCMXXI
1921 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 73.26
Item no: RNR200 Year: 1921 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1960 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate 1935-1960
1960 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate 1935-1960
1960 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 59.00
Item no: RNR308 Year: 1960 Measurement: Ø: 22 cm
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Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, GARDEHUSARREGIMENTET 1762 -1962
Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, GA...
USD 274.84
Item no: RNR311 Year: 1962
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1969 Royal Copenhagen Plate in memory of the moon landing VICTORIA SPATII 1969 (conquest of space)
1969 Royal Copenhagen Plate in memory of the moon landing VICTORIA SPATII 1969 (conquest of space)
1969 Royal Copenhagen Plate ...
USD 8.43
Before: USD 19.53
Item no: RNR324 Year: 1969 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Royal Copenhagen Plate with the Statue of Liberty -18%
Royal Copenhagen Plate with the Stat...
USD 36.03
Before: USD 43.97
Item no: RNR524 Measurement: Ø: 21 cm
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1977 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate I O G T 100 years in Scandinavia -10%
1977 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 56.61
Before: USD 62.93
Item no: RNR754 Year: 1977 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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2005 Royal Copenhagen Plate, Winter Series, The snowmen at an outing in the woods by moonlight, 2005
2005 Royal Copenhagen Plate, Winter Series, The snowmen at an outing in the woods by moonlight, 2005
2005 Royal Copenhagen Plate...
USD 36.03
Before: USD 60.97
Item no: 1915105 Year: 2005 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Royal Copenhagen Dealersign "Den kongelige Porcelainsfabrik" Danish
Royal Copenhagen Dealersign "Den kongelige Porcelainsfabrik" Danish
Royal Copenhagen Dealersign "Den k...
USD 121.51
Item no: DG4353 Year: 1906 Measurement: H: 6 cm x W: 10 cm
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Royal Copenhagen Dealersign in Plastic Siena
Royal Copenhagen Dealersign in Plastic Siena
Royal Copenhagen Dealersign in Plast...
USD 36.03
Item no: DG4354 Year: 1906 Measurement: H: 4 cm x W: 11 cm
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Plate with the lightship "Royal Sovereign" and Cruiser Hejmdal, Royal Copenhagen UNICA signed: Chr. Benjamin Olsen 4.11.1929
Plate with the lightship "Royal Sovereign" and Cruiser Hejmdal, Royal Copenhagen UNICA signed: Chr. Benjamin Olsen 4.11.1929
Plate with the lightship "Royal So...
USD 854.44
Before: USD 977.29
Item no: DV3163 Year: 1929 Measurement: Ø: 41 cm
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Plate with sailing ships Royal Copenhagen "Hans Egedes Skibe ved Grønland" UNICA signed: Chr. Benjamin Olsen 30/51 1921
Plate with sailing ships Royal Copenhagen "Hans Egedes Skibe ved Grønland" UNICA signed: Chr. Benjamin Olsen 30/51 1921
Plate with sailing ships Royal Copen...
USD 1098.73
Before: USD 1221.57
Item no: DV3165 Year: 1921 Measurement: Ø: 41 cm
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Plate with white horse, Royal Copenhagen UNICA Signed: GR (Gotfred Rode) 28 / 5-1927
Plate with white horse, Royal Copenhagen UNICA Signed: GR (Gotfred Rode) 28 / 5-1927
Plate with white horse, Royal Cope...
USD 854.44
Before: USD 977.29
Item no: DV3166 Year: 1927 Measurement: Ø: 41 cm
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RC plate with Rosenborg full laced
RC plate with Rosenborg full laced
RC plate with Rosenborg full lac...
USD 392.77
Before: USD 449.10
Item no: R2-3553 Measurement: Ø: 25 cm
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Royal Copenhagen Memorial Plate with Crown and three Waves No. 200
Royal Copenhagen Memorial Plate wit...
USD 305.11
Item no: RC-SPEC2-U Year: 1923 Measurement: H: 2 cm x Ø: 10 cm
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1929 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, Masonic lodge plate, IN CORDE ET ANIMO UNUM
1929 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 182.97
Item no: RC-SPEC4 Year: 1929 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1912 Royal Copenhagen Memorial Plate Merry Christmas from Dalgas
1912 Royal Copenhagen Memorial Plate Merry Christmas from Dalgas
1912 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 305.11
Item no: RD42 Year: 1912 Measurement: W: 9 cm x D: 11 cm
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Royal Copenhagen Craquele Factory Sign
Royal Copenhagen Craquele Factory ...
USD 121.93
Item no: RD45 Year: 1953 Measurement: H: 1 cm x Ø: 10 cm
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Royal Copenhagen Plate with the Golden Horn Stones at Gallehus
Royal Copenhagen Plate with the Golden Horn Stones at Gallehus
Royal Copenhagen Plate with the Gold...
USD 207.06
Item no: RD55 Year: 1920 Measurement: Ø: 24 cm
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1775-1975 Royal Copenhagen Jubilee plate, Celebrating Royal Copenhagen´s 200th anniversary.
1775-1975 Royal Copenhagen Jubilee plate, Celebrating Royal Copenhagen´s 200th anniversary.
1775-1975 Royal Copenhagen Jubil...
USD 12.08
Before: USD 48.18
Item no: RJ1975 Year: 1975 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1908-1983 Jubilee plate 24cm, Royal Copenhagen/Cake Dish, Mary and Baby Jesus
1908-1983 Jubilee plate 24cm, Royal Copenhagen/Cake Dish, Mary and Baby Jesus
1908-1983 Jubilee plate 24cm, Royal ...
USD 36.03
Before: USD 84.85
Item no: RJ1983 Year: 1983 Measurement: Ø: 24 cm
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1987 Jubilee plate/Cake Dish, Royal Copenhagen, the union of Bing & Grondahl and Royal Copenhagen -33%
1987 Jubilee plate/Cake Dish, R...
USD 36.03
Before: USD 53.80
Item no: RJ1987 Year: 1987 Measurement: Ø: 21 cm
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1896 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate
1896 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate
1896 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 121.51
Before: USD 146.52
Item no: RNR007 Year: 1896 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1779-1897 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate -23%
1779-1897 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 60.47
Before: USD 78.24
Item no: RNR010 Year: 1897 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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1897 Royal Coepnhagen Memorial plate, AEGRO-TANTIUM 
1897 Royal Coepnhagen Memorial plate, AEGRO-TANTIUM 
1897 Royal Coepnhagen Mem...
USD 781.74
Item no: RNR015 Year: 1897 Measurement: Ø: 30 cm
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1849-1899 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, -17%
1849-1899 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 488.01
Before: USD 586.34
Item no: RNR026 Year: 1899 Measurement: Ø: 32 cm
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1880-1905 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, Gefion plowing, 1880-1905 -22%
1880-1905 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 121.51
Before: USD 156.35
Item no: RNR054 Year: 1905 Measurement: Ø: 23 cm
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LARGE 1856-1906 Royal Copenhage...
USD 1221.50
Item no: RNR063A Year: 1906 Measurement: Ø: 33 cm
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1907 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, Aarhus 1907 -20%
1907 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 182.83
Before: USD 228.55
Item no: RNR071 Year: 1907 Measurement: Ø: 28 cm
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1907 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, Fanoe -29%
1907 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 610.15
Before: USD 854.51
Item no: RNR072 Year: 1907 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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1808-1908 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, Koldinghus
1808-1908 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, Koldinghus
1808-1908 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 84.14
Before: USD 93.56
Item no: RNR079 Year: 1908 Measurement: Ø: 22 cm
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1908 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, TERPSICHORE
1908 Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, TERPSICHORE
1908 Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 274.84
Item no: RNR088 Year: 1908 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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Royal Copenhagen Memorial and Jubilee plates

Royal Copenhagen Commemorative Plate, Queen Margrethe, produced in connection with Queen Margrethe's 50th birthday.

Royal Copenhagen Commemorative Plates - Danish Vintage Porcelain Plates

The Danish Queen Louise saw this plate and wanted to receive a copy, which was produced by Royal Copenhagen with a split at the ends of the three waves to symbolize the flag of Danish royal family. This plate was first produced in more numbers when the Danish aristocracy became interested in the plates after they saw the Queen's interest in such.

Following the success of this first Royal Copenhagen Commemorative Plate, Royal Copenhagen continued to produce plates for anniversaries, royal events, events in private companies, charitable organizations, scientists, etc. Not only Danish event was celebrated with the release of a Royal Copenhagen commemorative plate. For example the English coronation, 200 years of U.S. independence and many more were celebrated by Royal Copenhagen with the release of a commemorative plate.