Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

SALE Plates

1867 products
50+ years of experience Fast and Safe Delivery

Here you can find many plates at really good prices, so you can both set a really nice table and decorate your walls in all the patterns you want.

Cheap plates - save at least 30 %

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1867 products
1980 Hackefors mother's day plate Forget-me-not
1980 Hackefors mother's day plate Forget-me-not
1980 Hackefors mother's day plate ...
USD 11.09
Before: USD 39.31
Item no: HMT1980 Year: 1980 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Cat and Christmas Rose 1970, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Cat and Christmas Rose 1970, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Cat and Christmas Rose 1970, Royal ...
USD 9.13
Before: USD 22.18
Item no: RX1970 Year: 1970 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1972 Olympic Game Plate, Munich, Bing & Grøndahl -82%
1972 Olympic Game Plate, Munich, Bin...
USD 3.51
Before: USD 19.51
Item no: BO1972 Year: 1972 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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1976 Royal Copenhagen Olympic plate, Montreal
1976 Royal Copenhagen Olympic plate, Montreal
1976 Royal Copenhagen Olym...
USD 4.77
Before: USD 19.51
Item no: RO1976 Year: 1976 Measurement: Ø: 22 cm
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Small Fano girl in local 
 feeding birds 1955, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Small Fano girl in local 
 feeding birds 1955, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Small Fano girl in local ...
USD 45.77
Before: USD 111.05
Item no: RX1955 Year: 1955 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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The Sleigh Ride 1999, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate -34%
The Sleigh Ride 1999, Royal Copen...
USD 23.80
Before: USD 36.08
Item no: RX1999 Year: 1999 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Bjorn Wiinblad Christmas plate 1974 "Balthasar" -34%
Bjorn Wiinblad Christmas plate 19...
USD 48.23
Before: USD 73.29
Item no: WX1974 Year: 1974 Measurement: Ø: 29 cm
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1971 Royal Copenhagen Mother's Day plate, American Mother
1971 Royal Copenhagen Mother's Day plate, American Mother
1971 Royal Copenhagen Moth...
USD 5.97
Before: USD 9.69
Item no: RM1971 Year: 1971 Measurement: Ø: 15 cm
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Royal Copenhagen Valdemar plate, Dannebrog (The flag of Denmark) 750 years, 1219 - 15 JUNI - 1969. -49%
Royal Copenhagen Valdemar plate, Da...
USD 18.18
Before: USD 36.08
Item no: RNR323 Year: 1969 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Winter Twilight 1974, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate -38%
Winter Twilight 1974, Royal Copenhage...
USD 11.93
Before: USD 19.23
Item no: RX1974 Year: 1974 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Immervad Bridge 1977, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Immervad Bridge 1977, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Immervad Bridge 1977, Royal Copen...
USD 7.93
Before: USD 12.07
Item no: RX1977 Year: 1977 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Bjorn Wiinblad Christmas plate 1978 Angel with Harp
Bjorn Wiinblad Christmas plate 1978 Angel with Harp
Bjorn Wiinblad Christmas plate 19...
USD 48.23
Before: USD 73.29
Item no: WX1978 Year: 1978 Measurement: Ø: 29 cm
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1980 Mother's Day plate, Viola -31%
1980 Mother's Day plate, Viola
USD 24.29
Before: USD 35.10
Item no: EM1980 Year: 1980 Measurement: Ø: 17 cm
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The training ship Danmark 1961, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate -29%
The training ship Danmark 1961, Ro...
USD 39.17
Before: USD 55.03
Item no: RX1961 Year: 1961 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Hare in winter 1971, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate -60%
Hare in winter 1971, Royal Copenhage...
USD 5.97
Before: USD 15.02
Item no: RX1971 Year: 1971 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Christmas Guests 1993, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate -57%
Christmas Guests 1993, Royal Copen...
USD 43.66
Before: USD 100.52
Item no: RX1993 Year: 1993 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Berlin Design Christmas Plate 1977 Christmas Eve in Hamburg (German Text) -49%
Berlin Design Christmas Plate 19...
USD 11.09
Before: USD 21.90
Item no: XBDX1977-W Year: 1977 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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The Chained Dog getting a double Meal on Christmas Eve 1915, Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate -34%
The Chained Dog getting a double M...
USD 36.01
Before: USD 54.89
Item no: BX1915 Year: 1915 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Snowman's Christmas eve 1987, Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate
Snowman's Christmas eve 1987, Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate
Snowman's Christmas eve 198...
USD 9.62
Before: USD 18.25
Item no: BX1987 Year: 1987 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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A quiet moment
 1985, Desiree Mother's Day plate Svend Jensen of Denmark
A quiet moment
 1985, Desiree Mother's Day plate Svend Jensen of Denmark
A quiet moment 1985, Desiree Mot...
USD 5.48
Before: USD 11.23
Item no: DM1985 Year: 1985 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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Franklin Porcelain, Wedgwood, Plate with Flowers of the year coll. August
Franklin Porcelain, Wedgwood, Plate with Flowers of the year coll. August
Franklin Porcelain, Wedgwood, Plate ...
USD 48.23
Before: USD 70.34
Item no: DV3087-08 Measurement: Ø: 28 cm
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1986 Royal Copenhagen Mother and Child plate, dog with puppies
1986 Royal Copenhagen Mother and Child plate, dog with puppies
1986 Royal Copenhagen Moth...
USD 15.72
Before: USD 24.43
Item no: RMB1986 Year: 1986 Measurement: Ø: 15 cm
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1926, Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, FOLKETS GAMLE MINDER FOLKET SAMMEN 
BINDER ( A nation's history tie its people to each other)
1926, Royal Copenhagen Memorial plate, FOLKETS GAMLE MINDER FOLKET SAMMEN 
BINDER ( A nation's history tie its people to each other)
1926, Royal Copenhagen Mem...
USD 42.61
Before: USD 114.56
Item no: RNR245 Year: 1926 Measurement: Ø: 21 cm
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Angels singing 1922, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate -46%
Angels singing 1922, Royal Copenhage...
USD 27.52
Before: USD 51.10
Item no: RX1922 Year: 1922 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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The last umiak in Greenland 1968, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
The last umiak in Greenland 1968, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
The last umiak in Greenland 1968, R...
USD 10.88
Before: USD 21.34
Item no: RX1968 Year: 1968 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Christmas in Nyhavn 2007, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Christmas in Nyhavn 2007, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Christmas in Nyhavn 2007, Royal Copen...
USD 72.86
Before: USD 111.75
Item no: RX2007 Year: 2007 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Christmas in Greenland with Polar bears 2010, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Christmas in Greenland with Polar bears 2010, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Christmas in Greenland with Pol...
USD 280.16
Before: USD 415.15
Item no: RX2010 Year: 2010 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Bjorn Wiinblad Christmas plate 1979 The flight to Egypt -34%
Bjorn Wiinblad Christmas plate 19...
USD 48.23
Before: USD 73.29
Item no: WX1979 Year: 1979 Measurement: Ø: 29 cm
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Rorstrand Plate Lycklig färt för Sweriges flaggor Ständig gång för Swenska Waggor
Rorstrand Plate Lycklig färt för Sweriges flaggor Ständig gång för Swenska Waggor
Rorstrand Plate Lycklig färt för Swe...
USD 27.94
Before: USD 44.36
Item no: XRS27 Measurement: Ø: 22 cm
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1993 Christmas Pudding, Bing & Grondahl Centennial plate -33%
1993 Christmas Pudding, Bing & Gr...
USD 36.01
Before: USD 53.77
Item no: BC1993 Year: 1993 Measurement: Ø: 15 cm
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1895-1935 Bing & Grondahl 5-years Christmas Jubilee plate -53%
1895-1935 Bing & Grondahl 5-years ...
USD 182.51
Before: USD 390.72
Item no: BJ1935 Year: 1935 Measurement: Ø: 23 cm
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St. Petri Church of Copenhagen 1908, Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate -33%
St. Petri Church of Copenhagen 1908,...
USD 32.85
Before: USD 48.86
Item no: BX1908 Year: 1908 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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The Ribe 
Cathedral 1943, Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate -35%
The Ribe Cathedral 1943, Bi...
USD 79.25
Before: USD 122.14
Item no: BX1943 Year: 1943 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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The old water mill 1975, Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate
The old water mill 1975, Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate
The old water mill 1975, Bing & Gron...
USD 5.97
Before: USD 12.21
Item no: BX1975 Year: 1975 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Christmas Peace 1981, Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate
Christmas Peace 1981, Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate
Christmas Peace 1981, Bing & Gron...
USD 5.97
Before: USD 12.21
Item no: BX1981 Year: 1981 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Little friends 1977, Desiree Mother's Day plate Svend Jensen of Denmark
Little friends 1977, Desiree Mother's Day plate Svend Jensen of Denmark
Little friends 1977, Desiree Mother's D...
USD 5.48
Before: USD 11.23
Item no: DM1977 Year: 1977 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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1978 Elgporslin Christmas plate Göteborg - Västergötland -67%
1978 Elgporslin Christmas plate Gö...
USD 5.48
Before: USD 16.85
Item no: ELGX1978 Year: 1978 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Hummel Annual plate 1972 with boy blowing horn -34%
Hummel Annual plate 1972 with bo...
USD 55.60
Before: USD 84.24
Item no: HA1972 Year: 1972 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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1972 Bareuther & Co. Christmas church plate, Kalundborg Church -38%
1972 Bareuther & Co. Christmas chur...
USD 18.18
Before: USD 29.34
Item no: IK1972 Year: 1972 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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1979 Ravn Cobalt Blue Saint Lucy Plate -34%
1979 Ravn Cobalt Blue Saint Lucy Pl...
USD 21.90
Before: USD 33.13
Item no: RALX1979 Year: 1979 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Amalienborg Palace with the equestrian of 
King Frederik V 1954, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Amalienborg Palace with the equestrian of 
King Frederik V 1954, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Amalienborg Palace with the equestrian...
USD 45.77
Before: USD 105.58
Item no: RX1954 Year: 1954 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen 1956, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen 1956, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Rosenborg Castle in Copenhagen 1956,...
USD 60.44
Before: USD 105.58
Item no: RX1956 Year: 1956 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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The Little Mermaid 1962, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate -42%
The Little Mermaid 1962, Royal Copen...
USD 54.82
Before: USD 94.06
Item no: RX1962 Year: 1962 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Admiring the Christmas
Tree 1981, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Admiring the Christmas
Tree 1981, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate
Admiring the Christmas ...
USD 9.13
Before: USD 24.43
Item no: RX1981 Year: 1981 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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1977 Tove Svendsen, Hunting plate, Badgers -32%
1977 Tove Svendsen, Hunting...
USD 14.53
Before: USD 21.34
Item no: TSJD1977 Year: 1977 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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1985 Rorstrand Father's Day plate
1985 Rorstrand Father's Day plate
1985 Rorstrand Father's Day plate
USD 11.09
Before: USD 33.13
Item no: XRF1985 Year: 1985 Measurement: Ø: 21 cm
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1990 Rorstrand Mother´s Day plate
1990 Rorstrand Mother´s Day plate
1990 Rorstrand Mother´s Day plate
USD 9.97
Before: USD 33.13
Item no: XRM1990 Year: 1990 Measurement: Ø: 21 cm
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1989 Rorstrand Christmas plate
1989 Rorstrand Christmas plate
1989 Rorstrand Christmas plate
USD 5.48
Before: USD 33.13
Item no: XRX1989 Year: 1987 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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1969 Wedgwood Christmas plate Windsor Castle -35%
1969 Wedgwood Christmas plate Wi...
USD 21.90
Before: USD 33.69
Item no: XWX1969 Year: 1969 Measurement: Ø: 21 cm
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1971 Wedgwood Christmas plate Piccadilly Circus -49%
1971 Wedgwood Christmas plate Pi...
USD 11.09
Before: USD 21.90
Item no: XWX1971 Year: 1971
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Complete Centerpiece made Roerstrand plates and fittings etc. -53%
Complete Centerpiece made ...
USD 43.24
Before: USD 92.66
Item no: 9006 Measurement: H: 33 cm x Ø: 19 cm
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1984 Astri Holthe Norwegian Pewter Christmas plate, Dancing around the Christmas Tree -50%
1984 Astri Holthe Norwegian Pewter ...
USD 8.42
Before: USD 16.71
Item no: AHX1984 Year: 1984 Measurement: Ø: 19 cm
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1995 Behind the Frozen Pane, Bing & Grondahl Centennial plate
1995 Behind the Frozen Pane, Bing & Grondahl Centennial plate
1995 Behind the Frozen Pane, Bing ...
USD 30.40
Before: USD 43.94
Item no: BC1995 Year: 1995 Measurement: Ø: 15 cm
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1989 Bing & Grondahl, Children's Day Plate
1989 Bing & Grondahl, Children's Day Plate
1989 Bing & Grondahl, Children...
USD 18.18
Before: USD 63.46
Item no: BD1989 Year: 1989 Measurement: Ø: 13 cm
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Sct. Bernhard with Puppies 1993, Bing & Grondahl Mother's Day plate
Sct. Bernhard with Puppies 1993, Bing & Grondahl Mother's Day plate
Sct. Bernhard with Puppies 1993, Bin...
USD 20.15
Before: USD 30.47
Item no: BM1993 Year: 1993 Measurement: Ø: 15 cm
In stock
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Bradex plate in the series Hans Christian Andersen The Ugly Duckling -51%
Bradex plate in the series Hans Christi...
USD 33.13
Before: USD 67.39
Item no: BRADEX14-G65-2-5 Year: 1986 Measurement: Ø: 20 cm
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Plate no 5 in the series "European Wild Birds", Royal Grafton -40%
Plate no 5 in the series "European ...
USD 21.83
Before: USD 36.64
Item no: BRADEX26-R65-2-5 Year: 1988 Measurement: Ø: 22 cm
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Ship plate, The Trainingship Denmark 1973, Bing & Grondahl -38%
Ship plate, The Trainingship Denm...
USD 48.23
Before: USD 78.20
Item no: BS1973 Year: 1973 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
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Ship plate, Tjalfe 1981, Bing & Grondahl -70%
Ship plate, Tjalfe 1981, Bing & Gron...
USD 18.18
Before: USD 61.07
Item no: BS1981 Year: 1981 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
In stock
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Joy of the Christmas Tree 1909, Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate
Joy of the Christmas Tree 1909, Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate
Joy of the Christmas Tree 1909, Bing & ...
USD 36.01
Before: USD 66.97
Item no: BX1909 Year: 1909 Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
In stock
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The Christmas plate has been the most common plate through the years. A trully impressive range of different types have been produced and you can find many on sale at a discount here. We even have Christmas plates of pewter tin from Norway. The advantage of Royal Copenhagen and Bing & Grondahl Christmas plates is that they can also be used as plates on the table. You can set a cozy Christmas table and when you buy them here, they need not cost a fortune.

Bing & Grondahl Children's day plates are also available at a good price on this page. Furthermore you can find plates with ships, plains and trams depending on your taste.

The variation of the plates is huge from colorful and the classic blue plates with many motifs. Then there are the many cheap memorial plates, too, where you might find a motif of the event that interests you.