Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

Titmouse with tail down, Bing & Grondahl bird figurine no. 1635 or 411

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Before: USD 57.17 Now USD 35.04
  • Brand: Bing & Grøndahl - Royal Copenhagen
  • Artist: Jens Peter Dahl Jensen
  • Item no: 1020411
  • Alt number: B1635
  • Type: Porcelain (Underglaze)
  • Measurement: H: 6 cm x W: 13 cm
About the product
Bing & Grondahl Porcelain underglaze figurine, titmouse with its tail down - pessimist.
The Bing & Grondahl pessimist no 1635 was designed by one of Denmark's foremost artists in this field, Dahl-Jensen.
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