Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

1987 Annual Bell, Bing & Grondahl

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Before: USD 38.47 Now USD 29.96
  • Year: 1987
  • Color: Blue and White,Gold
  • Type: Porcelain (Overglaze/with gold)
  • Measurement: H: 13 cm
About the product
This 1987 Bing & Grondahl annual bell has the St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice, Italy as motif. This 1987 Bing & Grondahl annual bell has the inscription "Ring out the old. Ring in the new. Ring out wild bells". This inscription is the beginning of a poem written by Alfred Tennyson who was one of most famous poets in the 19th century. This text has been written of all the bells in the Bing & Grondahl series of annual bells which was started in 1974 and ended in 1987. Of this 1987 Bing & Grondahl annual bell has "Basilica di San Marco Venezia Italia 1987" been written in gold.
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1981 Annual Bell, Bing & Grondahl
USD 17.92
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