Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

Ship plate, The Trainingship Georg Stage 1971, Bing & Grondahl

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Before: USD 183.18 Now USD 72.70
  • Year: 1971
  • Color: Blue and White
  • Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
About the product
This 1971 Bing & Grondahl Danish Marine plate has the title Georg Stage I. The motif of this 1971 Bing & Grondahl Danish Marine plate shows the first Danish Training ship named Georg Stage. The first Georg Stage was sailing as training ship from 1882 to 1934. Georg Stage was hit by another ship in 1905 and sank. Even through other ships were at the scene of the accident rather fast a large number of trainees drowned. The ship was salvaged and repaired after the accident and continued as training ship until it was sold in 1934. In the coming years the ship had different owners and later it was used as training ship in the United States. After this it came to the Marine Museum in Mystic, Connecticut.
Inscription: Skoleskibet 1882 Georg Stage 1934 (Training ship)

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