The easiest way to get an offer | Returning goods |
Sales Basket | Payment |
Binding offer | Your personal data |
Non-binding offer | Product liability |
Price | |
Quality | Which articles do we buy |
Variations in quality | Transportation advice |
DPH Trading
v/Joergen Risager
Loekkegravene 49
5270 Odense N - Denmark
CVR-nr.: DK61086013
Phone: +45 66 18 95 95
Email: [email protected]
The easiest way to get an offer from DPH
You can obtain a quote from DPH Trading in three ways.
1. Use the menu Sell to DPH and see our Wanted list list
2. Send us an e-mail with the item number and photos of your products
3. Call and make an appointment with us
Sales Basket
The Sales Basket has several important functions. Using the Sales Basket, you can easily obtain quotes on products you are considering SELLING. Using the sales basket also avoids misunderstandings and mistakes about exactly which products the offer relates to.
Binding offer
Written offers are binding to DPH for 14 days, counted from the date on the offer.
We do make reservations for obvious errors.
Written quotes are understood as:
- Letter
- Fax
- Email
A binding offer is most easily acquired by means of the sales basket. The least risk of errors and misunderstandings minimized when enquiring through the basket. On that basis you will receive a written offer from DPH.
Non-binding offer
Naturally, you are also very welcome to call us for an offer over the phone, but in such case misunderstandings or errors are at higher risk. Fortunately errors are seldom.
If you want to make sure that your telephonic offer is correct please advise your contact-data:
- Name and address
- Phone-number
- E-mail-address.
Once we have your contact information we will on your request send you a written offer (binding).
The offered price is based on that the goods are delivered to our address in Odense.
All offers are based on the fact that the items in question are factory firsts in mint condition, unless otherwise agreed.
Normally we do not list item-price for competition-reasons, but offer a total amount for the whole lot.
Most factories have produced/delivered factory firsts as well as seconds.
How factory seconds are marked varies from factory to factory, but often the mark is some kind of scratch in the glaze on or around the factory stamp.
Items sold originally as factory firsts, have been found to have errors just the same. Errors can for example have been overlooked by the person doing the quality-check. Does an article have unmistakable errors, different from average, we can not value such an item at full price.
Making rigid rules for quality is difficult, as not two items are exactly identical. The production techniques are difficult to control which causes small or big deviations between other-wise identical items. Meaning, that we do tolerate deviations within a certain limit.
Deviations exceeding this limit can not be sold as factory firsts, regardless of the fact that the factory originally marked this item as such. Should any of the articles included in an offer from DPH exceed this limit, we will make a serious valuation of the article in question, and offer you the best possible price we can pay for an article of such quality. It is then entirely up to you to decide whether to sell or keep the item.
Returning goods
(In cases when the goods have been sent to us)
Maybe you have not noticed an error, that our appraisers find when checking the consignment.
Mark your article in such a way, that it would be easily recognizable to you in case of return. To avoid incidents in which you could doubt that the validated item is actually yours.
Write i.e. your autograph on the bottom of the article with a felt-marker.
Note! We do not recommend to write on unglazed items, since your signature could be impossible to remove afterwards.
On unglazed products the answer could be attaching a sticker or the like to the bottom of the item. This way you will later on be able to recognize your own article, and ensure yourself that your item has not been confused with another one.
DPH does not accept goods sent to us on COD-terms (Cash on Delivery) because we need to check and valuate the goods before paying them.
We pay when the items have been inspected and checked for flaws or defects. If the goods are delivered personally, we inspect and check while you are waiting, and pay you before you leave.
All purchases are settled in Danish Kroner.
Personal data
In order to carry out your inquiries, orders etc. DPH asks you to supply only the absolutely necessary data.
We have indicated with a (*), which information is necessary.
Fields for further data which could be useful have been inserted, but it is entirely up to you whether or not you fill in those fields.
The data submitted by you will be stored in our index only accessible to employees at DPH Trading.
Data will never be passed on to a third party. The information is used by DPH only for the purpose intended and for internal statistics.
Product liability
No product liability - bought as it is.
As seller you have no further obligations. When DPH buy from private-persons, we buy as it is. Meaning, that when we have paid the goods and closed the deal, you have no further product liabilities for the goods supplied.
Which articles are DPH looking to buy?
We can not specify precisely which articles we would like to buy.
Our interest in buying depend on stock and supply and demand as well as other things.
However from the top menu Sell to DPH you find DPHs Wanted list, as well as further information about which items DPH are looking for.
Please also read How to sell
Transportation advice
DPH has several years of experience in transporting at home and abroad. We would be happy to advise you if you need help, but we do not accept any responsibility for the consequences of such guidance.
Don't miss free tips and a lot of great sales
DPH Trading
Løkkegravene 49
5270 Odense N, Denmark
CVR-no.: DK61086013
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