Bjorn Wiinblad Christmas plates from Rosenthal
The Danish artist Bjørn Wiinblad had in 1957 a great collaboration with the German porcelain manufacturer Rosenthal. It resulted among other things in the beautiful Christmas plates of glass and porcelain.

Rosenthal Bjorn Wiinblad Christmas plates of glass
From 1976 to 1981 Rosenthal published a series of impressive Christmas plates made of glass all designed by Bjorn Wiinblad. The Christmas plates were made of transparent glass in which the motifs are decorated in blue, white, turquoise and gold. The Bjorn Wiinblad Rosenthal Christmas plates of glass were sold with a black background plate making the motifs look beautiful no matte what wall color the plate is hanging on. - However now and then we buy some pieces without the black background part, we sell these a little cheaper. We wellcome your inquiry for these too. - You find photo of these beautitul plates below. The designs of Bjorn Wiinblad glass Christmas plates can be related to the Christian Biblical history and background of Christmas.

Rosenthal Bjorn Wiinblad Christmas plates in porcelain
Bjorn Wiinblad porcelain Christmas plates from Rosenthal were published from 1971 to 1994. The majority of Christmas plates (from 1971 through 1982) are round, while the last part of the series (from 1983 until 1994) is slightly square, still with round shapes. The first Bjørn Wiinblad Christmas plate from 1971 shows Mary with child, and in 1972, 1973 and 1974 we are presented with the Epiphany, Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar.
From 1983 the inspiration for the motifs of Bjorn Wiinblad Christmas plates were taken from classic Christmas Carols. The first motif is "Silent Night" and on the back of each plate the first verse of the hymn is written in German.