Bjørn Wiinblad: ceramic artist, draughtsman, painter and designer

The leitmotif of Bjoern Wiinblad has always been "Making people happy". He is also known as "The Happy Son of Nature". His big and deep love of oriental art is probably what is reflected in the personal style and spirit of Bjorn Wiinblad. Combining colours beautifully, is another skill given to Bjoern Wiinblad at birth. His whole life had been dominated by his need to stand out, and with the big personality showing in his line and expression, no one has been able to come even close.
He possessed a unique talent, and he was capable of creating his works without spoiling the originality of his splendid expression by the surrounding influences. From 1946 he was employed by the Nymoelle Faience Factory. Here his international career took off. At Nymoelle Wiinblad created his characteristic, multifarious series in red, green and black, the monthplates - so called butter boards, year- and season-plates, vases and pots to mention a few.
"The House of Bjorn Wiinblad", owned by Bjoern Wiinblad himself, existed from 1971 in Ostergade, Copenhagen. By 1977 Bjoern Wiinblad took over the Knabstrup Lervarefabrik after having taken over the Nymolle Faience Factory one year earlier. The Knabstrup Factory served as sub-supplier to the Nymolle Factory, until both companies were closed. The Knabstrup Factory closed in 1988.
Wiinblad even designed postal stamps in 1986, both on behalf of the Danish postal service and on behalf of US Postal. His tasks and commissions through the years have been countless. During the past 15-20 year big hotels, restaurants and companies have commissioned Bjorn Wiinblad to be the interior decorator. Among others, the Wiinblad Restaurant at the D´Angleterre Hotel in Copenhagen is exclusively decorated with Bjoern Wiinblad designs and motifs, just like London Hilton and several hotels and restaurants in Japan.
Bjoern Wiinblad covers a wide field having designed wallpaper, textiles, artist-shopping-bags and artist canisters (on behalf of the danish supermarket Irma), sculptures in bronze, tapestries, several posters, furniture, table service, drinking glasses, pots, bowl, plates, tiles, fountains, paintings, candlesticks, theater scenery decorations and theatre costumes, illustrating the Thousand and one Nights as well as several children's books. He even wrote a children´s book himself. His creations and works have been numerous.
Bjorn Wiinblad died in 2006.

CV Bjørn Wiinblad
- Born on September 20th, 1918 in Copenhagen. - Died on the 6th of Juni 2006
- He started his carreer as typography pupil in 1935
- Technical school Frederiksberg 1936-1939.
- Academy of Fine Arts under the direction of Aksel Jørgensen 1940-1943.
- Trained by Lars Syberg in Taastrup.
- From 1946 in cooperation with Nymoelle Faience
- In 1952 started Bjorn Wiinblad Workshop in Lyngby.
- From 1957 in cooperation with the German Rosenthal factory.
- In 1971 "Bjorn Wiinblad House" was started in Østergade, in Copenhagen.
- Several commissioned orders for various occasions throughout his career.

Bjorn Wiinblad ceramic and porcelain Art were produced by Nymoelle, Rosenthal on his own Workshop, below we show some of the products produced at each factory.:
Nymoelle Faience Factory
From 1946 he was employed by the Nymoelle Faience Factory. Here his international career took off. At the Nymoelle Faience Factory Bjorn Wiinblad created his characteristic, multifarious series in red, green and black. The Month plates - so-called butter boards, year- and season-plates, vases and pots to mention only a few.

Moreover he made several commissioned orders for various occasions - for example the
plates marking the 50th anniversary of "Imerco" or the opening of "Inspiration".

Uncommon is the morning-noon-evening series, the motifs being brown and blue.

Bjorn Wiinblad´s Workshop in Lyngby
On Hoejskolevej 5 in Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, Bjorn Wiinblad opened his own workshop in 1952. The products made in his own workshop are somewhat more artistic than the factory produced pieces created for respectively Nymolle and Rosenthal. The products from the workshop are mostly handpainted, and here Bjorn Wiinblad is of course free to follow any wish or dream of creation that he might have, shown for example in his fountains and tiles, as well as his huge production of figurines, vases, chandeliers and dishes.

Rosenthal Porcellain Germany
From 1957 in cooperation with the German Rosenthal factory, Bjoern Wiinblads big glass and crystal plates as well as series like "Aladin" and the Christmas- and Christmas Carol-plate series, all in a colourful and gold-decorated style were produced.

Bjorn Wiinblad Christmas plates in Glass and Porcelain.
The Bjorn Wiinblad Porcelain Christmas plates started in 1971 and ended in 1982, where the series in 1983 was redesigned and had a new shape and decoration.
The series of Bjorn Wiinblad Glass plates started in 1976. - See more

Bjoern Wiinblads created the big glass and crystal plates as well as series like "Aladin" were created for Rosenthal Porzellan. At Rosenthal he developed a new style of expression. The production of Bjorn Wiinblad Christmas and Aladin plates is in a quite new expression with strong, warm colours in bigger shape planes, richly decorated in gold - giving the exotic, colourful and oriental impression.

Bjoern Wiinblads created these heavy crystal-plates as he was crossing new roads, testing and experimenting with glas in layers. He developed the most beautiful plate in several layers, with the decorations being in between the glass-layers. Search for Parables in the searchfield.
The co-operation between Bjorn Wiinblad and Rosenthal is not limited to plates. On behalf of Rosenthal he designed glas products (e.g. the "Tulipa" candlesticks), drinking glasses, bowls, several service sets (to mention a few: Lotus, Romance and The Magic Flute), vases and much more. For the 2500 years jubilee of the Iranian Shah ruling Bjorn Wiinblad was commissioned to created a tableservice set to mark the occassion.
His creations and works have been countless.