Composer coffee service from Bing & Grondahl
The beautiful dark blue Bing & Grondahl Composer service consists of twelve cups with each motif of a world renowned composer. Included with each coffee cup is a saucer and a cake plate. Furthermore, there is a cake dish, as well as sugar bowl and cream jug for the composer service.
This tableware is almost the perfect gift for the music lover. - A perfect graduation gift for the conservatory student. - Or the gift of the music school teacher who has been struggling to teach your child to play the piano. Or just for the one who loves beautiful Danish design.

The composer service consists of coffee cups, cake plates, cake dishes, sugar jar and creamer, but many have started using other things with this frame as seen in the picture below.
For example B&G King Plates (which are large blue plates that can also be used for a cake dish. - Egg cups from Ravn or Hackefors (egg cups), cobalt blue mugs from Hackefors, cobalt blue bells from Hackefors or the series of Hackefors king plates that can be used as a nice lunch plate Ø20cm like in the picture.There are also two Orrefors glass mother's day plates, which also fit nicely with the composer service.