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Airplane plate no. 4, Bing & Grondahl

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  • Year: 1979
  • Color: Blue and White
  • Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
About the product
Bing & Grondahl Aviation plate no. 4 Douglas DC-3 Dakota The Douglas DC-3 is a natural development from the DC-1 and DC-2. There is no corner in the world in which the DC-3 have not been at one time. More than 10000 C-47 skytrains have been built. The Douglas DC-3 made its first flight on December 17th 1935. The DC-3 went into service with SAS in 1945, and at one time SAS operated as many as 34 DC-3. The DC-3 remained in service until 1957. Faroe Airways operated DC-3 from 1965-1967

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