Danish Porcelain House - New, retro, antique and vintage

Bringing Home the Christmas Tree 1980, Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate

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Before: USD 24.20 Now USD 14.40
  • Year: 1980
  • Color: Blue and White
  • Type: Porcelain (Underglaze)
  • Measurement: Ø: 18 cm
About the product
1980 Royal Copenhagen Christmas plate, designed by Kaj Lange, has the title Bringing Home the Christmas Tree. Royal Copenhagen's Christmas plate from 1980 depicts a family bringing home their Christmas tree. This motif is closely related to the motif of the 1979 plate, which depicted the choosing of the Christ- mas tree. Here the family is on their way home, after having felled the tree. The scene is a quiet street in a typical small town somewhere in Denmark, where many of the original half-timbered old houses have been preserved.

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