Typically we send your order within 1-3 business days
When the item is in stock the typical delivery time is within 1-3 business days on deliveries.
By delivery time we mean from your order is received to the day we ship your items. The time of reception can vary depending on the delivery service, area and country of delivery.

Fast and safe shipping
We ship by FedEx (outside Denmark), GLS and The Danish Postal Service. Their delivery guarantee and insurance are always valid and included in the freight cost.
If you wish for your order to reach its destination before a certain date, please use our Ask before you buy-service in the shopping basket. This service will allow you to ask us for the exact freight cost, expected delivery time and the exact price total.
Important! Always order your item(s) well ahead of the date you need it delivered. In that way you make sure your order reaches the destination in time.
Get notified when an item is back in stock
If you wish to be notified when an item is back in stock you can add the sold out item to your shopping basket by clicking on the grey add to basket-button.
The item is then sent along with your order as an item you are interested in buying when available in stock again. We will let you know once the item is available again and make you an offer which you are not obligated to accept.
See how to use the Ask before you buy-service here in our guide, and get notified when the item is back in stock:
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DPH Trading
Løkkegravene 49
5270 Odense N, Denmark
CVR-no.: DK61086013
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